Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Happy BirthdayHaley!

Birthday Girl!

My Little girl is growing up! I am excited for four but I am so sad to see Three go. She is still so innocent and says the sweetest things. Today was not a day to celebrate. We all ended up with food poisoning yesterday and it was not a pretty site around the house the last 24 hours. Kai spent the day being well cared for by Grandma and Grandpa finch. Haley and I snuggled on the couch most of the day and made our own movie marathon as we took turns slipping in and out of sleep.
She was pretty much her old self early evening and diligently worked at making birthday hats and thank you cards for her gifts.
Gratefully, her official birthday celebration was not scheduled today. She knows that her gifts and birthday cake happen when here daddy can be her to celebrate also!
Recovery day!

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