Saturday, November 21, 2009


Just moments before the "Big Event"!!! Haley went number two on the potty today! She did it at Grandma and Grandma Finches house on the real toilet. She initiated going up her self and was so proud and excited. She could not wait to show her grandma after she finished. She inspected her evidence and said with a very scientific and serious face, "it looks allot like a starfish". I will spare you a reference photo! She knew she could finally have her chocolate Easter bunny that has been waiting for her to have her first poo in the potty! The excitement did not stop here, there are always lots of things to do when she is out at her grandma and grandpa's house.....Three must be the magic number. She finally road with Grandpa in his tractor for the first time today!Grandpa is already giving Kai lessons on how to grow "big and strong"Haley helped grandma haul in wood and bring in carrots from the root cellar. It is a big deal to walk down the drive way and help Grandpa get the gate.Kai gets a chance to enjoy some 8F degree air and practice his patience!Finally - she gets the chocolate bunny she has waited more than half a year to eat and she mostly wanted to play with it. The ears are missing but she saved the rest for another day. She told Kai she would like to share but he was too little yet!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

good girl go potty now let me get you naked and give you your reward it is going to feel soooooo good you will want to go potty all the time